House Healing

Houses have history and a life, just as you do. People like you have lived within those four walls, the energies of their life experience becoming embedded in the bricks, mortar or stone. Some houses have had happy lives, some have had sad ones, some have had both. You know when you walk into a room and you either feel uplifted or you can cut the heavy atmosphere with a knife? Well, this is what I am referring to here: positive energies and negative energies. They uplift or they drain. Together with the lives of the previous occupants of the property, we also have to consider what sort of land the house is built on - the mineralogy, the geological faults, the underground water - stagnant or fast flowing - and all the integral EMF that is thrown up because of that basic geology. 

For House Healing, I simply need the full address of your property - and a photograph and basic floor plans if you have them. Once I have secured these basics, I then ask a series of questions (using Spiritual Dowsing methods and a pendulum) about the property, starting with its energetic and geopathic stress levels. Having worked through a list of questions, some of which I am led to intuitively, I am able to tell you about the health of your home. If there are issues I can address them, and through Spiritual Dowsing methods I can raise the energies of your home so that it becomes a healthy, supportive energetic environment in which you can live your life. 


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