My Spiritual Journey - Part 2

I have been reluctant to share this experience of ‘cosmic communion’ mainly because it was so deeply personal. However, in the interests of helping explain my own spiritual journey and how that now influences my day-to-day existence, I feel perhaps the moment has come to write about it….

The events below took place in Spring 2018, five years ago, and I took careful notes immediately afterwards so as not to let time and memory distort the reality of what I experienced. Below is what I noted down:-


Wednesday 18th April 2018
Had an extraordinary experience today. Was that because its date is 8/4/2018 - some numerology around 8s (my birthdate) and 4s (being half of 8) and their multiples? Who knows. 

This is what happened:-

I was reading one of my dowsing books this morning after the girls had left for school. A fascinating book which I haven’t been able to put down. It was talking about the ‘Cosmic Communion’ and how to tune into this Higher Wisdom. It was referred to as a ‘life-changing poweras described in the Christian Bible where Jesus’s disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit transforming ‘humble, frightened and confused souls’ into confident, purposeful people led by an inner guidance and fortified by an inner strength. In the Cosmic Communion we receive and experience a working of the Life Force which will change our hearts, our characters and our physical health. Our faults will gradually be erased and what is good and true and real will happen without any help from our intellect, our hearts and our desires. The essence of the Cosmic Communion is the pure and passive ‘receiving’ of the Life Force. The Cosmic Consciousness does the work; we do nothing. Only surrender.’ [Anthony Talmage]

The idea is to follow this path with sincerity and trust and patience - even in adversity or when life’s stagnating. With sincere and open submission new ways of being become available to transform you and those around you. 

I also read about a technique which enables human consciousness to separate from the physical body and travel to distant locations, both in present time and in the past and future. Given I was feeling very tired after only five hours’ sleep I decided to return to bed to try and sleep some more, but beforehand I took some long deep breaths, mentally surrendered myself to the Universe and invited the Power into my life. I had intended to do some distance Reiki on a sick friend (which I did) with the added hope of inducing relaxation and sleep in me. It did. 

I do not remember much about falling asleep/going into a deep meditative state. I saw some yellow energies behind my closed eyes and that’s the last I remember of ‘consciousness’. 

After a passage of time the duration of which I was completely unaware of, I had a very vivid dream, as I often do with these morning catch-up sleeps; but those dreams are normally very much based on my reality, my current world life. This was different, imbued with a sense of trepidation…I was skiing in deep snow; then suddenly the dream switched to people getting onto a ski lift but without skis on their feet. The lift stretched far up a mountain into the distance. I asked them where they were all going and the reply was simply to ‘play in the snow’ (behind the mountain) - an area which wasn’t visible. Out of plain sight. Unknown. There was also a house of some sort by the chairlift - or a place where I lived or worked - which I seemed to be running around, through corridors and up and down stairs, looking for things and people. (The symbolism of ‘searching’ and trying to make sense of the ‘unknown’ seems clear…)

Anyway, the main ‘experience’ came at the end: I clearly remember envisioning a fleeting ‘creature’ which I sensed to be primordial. At best I can describe it as black with a forked ‘head’ and a tail, like some sort of Protozoa. I then had a vision of stars in a galaxy in a funnel-like shape and I suddenly shot at incredible speed towards the star ‘funnel’ and through the black hole in its centre. There was then this extraordinary ‘explosion’  which sent the most amazing burst of energy through my whole body, leaving it buzzing and tingling and I saw myriad orange dots amid the blackness. I then felt this extraordinary sensation of floating - I seemed to hear myself saying ‘please rise up and levitate, leave your body’. I didn’t leave my body but I had this extreme sense of lying totally flat - almost as if I’d been ironed! - but levitated and completely light. No body weight at all. It was an amazing feeling and an experience I will never forget.

Shortly after that I ‘dropped’ back into normal consciousness. I was potentially in a hypnopompic (awakening) sleep which is often accompanied by brief/vivid/strange imagery. Sometimes you are unable to move or speak. I certainly felt totally motionless and so light. This state is associated with ESP, apparitions, out of body experiences, communication with the dead, visions of past lives and experiences involving extraterrestrials. 

I feel that the combination of knowledge I have been acquiring in recent days from all the dowsing, spiritual and reiki books I’ve been reading and the increased Reiki I’ve been doing on myself have awakened something in me and opened me up to whole new channels of being and healing.


So there we are, that is the experience I had back in Spring 2018. I have had nothing similar since, but I truly feel that I did indeed have a communion with the cosmos, that my soul travelled through the time-space matrix of the universe (through a black hole?) at the speed of light and that the energy that flooded through me was indeed the life-force energy of Source/Creation. It was, in essence, my spiritual awakening.

At a Mind Body Spirit fair I attended last year, I had a healing done with tuning forks which unblocked my root chakra after a very bad fall on my sacrum. The practitioner checked my energy on the Bovis Life Force (Chi) Bioenergy Dowsing Chart after the healing and it showed that the energy vibration I carry is equivalent to the Pleiades Star System at 60M (the usual reading for healers is 28K - Andromedans). On this basis alone, I feel that the experience of the ‘Cosmic Communion’ I seemed to have had - that extraordinary shot of energy I felt, like a bolt of lightning passing through me - possibly explains the reading on the chart. I check my bioenergy quite regularly by dowsing this chart, and I appear to have maintained that level of energy even over a year later…

On the back of all this, I started researching the Pleiades and the possibility that I was a star seed and that this star system is my astral family. There is certainly a possibility that this is so, given that a lot of what I learned matched my knowledge of myself and my experience of life on this earth. 

It is indeed a mysterious and fascinating universe within which our planet spins and where countless curious humans, just like me, have been striving to find understanding, purpose and meaning for millenia. We are all just infinitesimal specks in the ongoing collective search for knowledge and connection, but as more and more people ‘awaken’ into a life of higher consciousness and the vibrations of pure unconditional love and universal wisdom, that quest to solve the mystery of humankind and our place in the universe becomes a tiny bit more achievable every day. 

More for you to explore on Starseeds:-

More for you to explore specifically on Pleiades Starseeds:-

More for you to explore on the Pleiades Star System:-


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